Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 12

Hey Everyone!

I wish I had better news from this past week but unfortunately, this week was a rough one.  We just had a really hard time getting in contact with anyone... It was like everyone that we had contact with last week dropped off of the face of the planet this week.  We also had a couple investigators drop us because they didn't feel like it was the right time for them.  That was really tough for me because I love this work and I LOVE this gospel!  I just want everyone to be able to come closer to Christ and feel of His love for each one of us, and that can't really happen unless we can get in contact with people.

On a good note though, Saturday we were able to get into contact with Burgundy, whom we haven't seen for about 1 month since she's been going back to work.  It was so good to see her and be able to invite her to church, but unfortunately, her and her family were going to be out of town yesterday so she wasn't able to make it to church yesterday.  Yesterday we also were able to see one of our investigators, Serafin Sanchez, who moved up to the Crestwood ward (so technically he isn't our investigator anymore).  We went to dinner at his ex-wife's house and she was able to invite him to come to dinner as well.  It's so sad that they are divorced because they get along so well with each other.  We gave Elder Garrard and his companion Serafin's address so they will be contacting him soon hopefully. :)

I also got stung by a bee last Sunday!  That was a crazy experience!  We were just getting in the car to go to our dinner appointment and all of the sudden my leg started to itch just a bit.  I thought it was just my skirt pulling on my hair so I adjusted my skirt and then it started to burn really bad.  I was thinking, "What the heck is going on?"  As Sister Hopkins was getting into the car after backing me up, I saw a Wasp on my skirt.... NOT COOL!  It was so sore the whole time we were driving down to Sister Graney's house for dinner.  But I can now say that Frankincense and Lavender Essential Oils works really well on bee stings!  We put some on my sting and 5 minutes later, you couldn't even tell that I had gotten stung! :D  Best thing ever!

Pictures... Not too many this week but there is one of my district from last transfer and one of a HUGE ant hill!  It was probably up to my knees when I stood by it!

I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve here in Washington!  I am loving the work, even when it is slow, and I am learning so much about myself and the Gospel!  I am so thankful for all the prayers, support, and love that I feel every day!  I have truly been blessed to have the family and friends that I do have!  I love all of you SO SO much!  This week, pray for a missionary experience and see what Heavenly Father has in store for you!  Email me with your experience and I promise that it will be such a neat experience for everyone!

Love you!

Sister Megan Hills

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