Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 7! :) 2 months into my mission! :)

Hey Hey!

Can you believe I have been out for 2 months already!?  It is kind of blowing my mind!  Crazy to think that the time is going so fast!
This week was pretty good :)  It was kind of a slower week but it still was really good :)  We were able to find a new investigator named Burgundy on Monday who was really open to learning more about the Church.  Her and her husband have 3 adorable children and they are Christian.  They haven't been going to church really but we were able to set up a return appointment with her for Wednesday morning.  Sister Hopkins and I taught her about the Restoration and gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon.  She committed to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it is true.  We then went back on Friday and invited her to church and she said she had already read what we had left her!  It was so cool to see her willingness to read and to learn.
This week was definitely tough in regards to Seneva and Izeyla.  Both of them were supposed to be baptized on Saturday and it totally didn't happen... It was very sad but we will keep working to get them baptized in the Lord's timing.
Also we have been able to visit Elizabeth 2 times this week :)  When we met with her on Monday, she hadn't read what we had left her so we recommitted her to read 3 Nephi 11.  We went back on Friday and she still hadn't read, so we got her number to send her a text to remind her.  We text her that night to remind her and yesterday when we text her to see how she was doing and if we could meet with her tonight, she said she has read through half of the book of Alma!  And the best part was she was serious!  She is starting to become such a golden investigator because she is super excited to learn all about the gospel as well as she is now finally keeping her commitments!  There have definitely been some wonderful miracles this week in the Lake Sawyer Ward and I am can't wait to see more happen!
The work is progressing... slowly, but still progressing.  I know that it will pick up as we are faithful and exactly obedient!  I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for my mission and how I will be able to bless the lives of others!
Yesterday we were able to go to the "Work of Salvation" broadcast!  It was awesome!  I took 2 pages of notes (front and back)!  It was so inspiring to be able to go and see what changes they are making to help accelerate the work of the Lord!  I love how Elder Holland said "Never again are you going to be in this big of a zone conference, so enjoy it!" and I also really enjoyed how Elder Nelson said (and I might be paraphrasing) "The work of salvation excludes NO ONE!  We all have some part to play in missionary work."  I want to challenge everyone who reads this to help in the work of the Lord by finding a family member, friend, or a complete stranger that would be interested in learning more about the gospel.  It really isn't that hard after you do it a few times! :) 
Being a senior companion and having a new companion has actually be fabulous!  Sister Hopkins makes the days so much better because we both are such big giggle guts so we laugh a ton throughout the day!  It makes me super happy and so I have really started to enjoy the work a lot more.  Sister Crockett was a great companion but it's nice to have someone who laughs just as much as I do.
We aren't teaching Heidi or David anymore because we haven't been able to meet with them at all for the last 3 weeks or so.  A little bit of a bummer but I know Heavenly Father has prepared someone for us to find and teach.
That is crazy that Ben Cox is in the MTC now.  I love being out in the mission field but I do miss being able to see my district every day... I rarely see anyone out here now. :(  Sister Hopkins and I were able to see Elder Dawson the other day :) That was definitely fun!  3 of the 9 people in our district together in one place. :) He was coming up to the baptism that we were going to be having on Saturday... It didn't end up happening.... Will explain in my paper letter.
Thanks a bunch for the GPS.  I have already had to use it quite a bit.  I know the area pretty well but there are some places that I can't remember how to get there unless I look at a map.  I will definitely take good care of it so I can use it after I get home.
I am so thankful for this opportunity to be serving a mission and bringing others unto Christ.  I have seen it change people's lives and it definitely has been a blessing for them and for me.  I am so thankful for all that I have been given and for all that I am learning.  I am so thankful for everyone's examples in my life.  I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world!
I love you guys so much!


Sister Megan Hills  

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